Eclectic quotations accumulating in Hell's Kitchen, NY, USA.


"Decide right now to make this day a memorable one. Make use of the precious moments now available to you to do something you'll continue to remember and be thankful for, years and years from now.

"This very day is your opportunity to move life forward in a significant way. Choose to find your enjoyment today in making a real and enduring positive difference.

"Do you realize how fortunate you are to be able to transform the fleeting hours of this day into something that will continue to add value to the world long after this day is over? Can you see how profoundly fulfilling it will be to live this day in such a way that you can always look back upon it with grateful satisfaction?

"Just imagine living every day that way. Then, go beyond merely imagining it and start to continually live with a strong and abiding sense of true purpose.

"The whole universe spreads out in front of you. And anything is possible in this very moment.

"Make this day a beautiful and memorable one. Then repeat the process, again and again, for each new day that comes your way".

-- Ralph Marston