Eclectic quotations accumulating in Hell's Kitchen, NY, USA.
This day is a golden opportunity to bring your dreams to life. You're in a position to have a positive impact on your world.
Instead of complaining about what's wrong, build upon what is right. Instead of arguing over who is to blame, figure out what you can do to make things better.
There are ideas you've been meaning to pursue. Now is the time to get started on them.
There are projects you've been needing to finish. Now is your chance to bring those achievements to fruition.
Give the gift of your own smart, focused, enthusiastic action to the world today. There's immense value just waiting to be created, and now is the time to make it happen".
-- Ralph Marston
The way you prevent yourself from taking action is to have a set of reasonable and believable excuses. The way to get the work done is to replace those excuses with clear and meaningful reasons that are far more compelling.
Every delay is a wasted opportunity. For time is a most precious and irreplaceable resource.
Each time you think of an excuse for not taking action, overpower it. For each single excuse, quickly come up with two good, solid believable reasons for moving forward.
Yes, if you choose you can talk yourself out of doing what must be done. Fortunately, you are just as empowered to talk yourself into taking any necessary action.
Decide to blast away every excuse with two good reasons for going ahead and moving forward. And the odds are two to one that you will indeed reach whatever goal you choose".
-- Ralph Marston
This world is a place in which you can act to make a positive, meaningful difference. This moment is one that's filled with possibilities.
It can often be difficult to make your way forward, and it is all too easy to lose sight of the unique and beautiful person you truly are. Take time to remember the best that is within you, and know that your authentic, miraculous life is stronger than any obstacle.
Choose to fill this day with your very own special expression of what it means to be alive. Right now is your opportunity to fulfill those yearnings that have always called to you.
You have the power to take any ordinary moment and put joy into it. Your happiness comes not from what you may seek to take away from life but from what you give, what you create, and what you share.
This is your moment to live with all the purpose and richness you can imagine. Realize that nothing is really holding you back, and make this the best day ever."
-- Ralph Marston
"... Do not worry about "what the neighbors think." Worry only about whether you are being true to yourself... Think, act, and speak today from the place of your highest truth. About all things. Including your relationship, your life work, your thoughts and your choices... It is time that you came out of hiding on some things... "
-- Neale Donald Walsch
-- Neale Donald Walsch
"Do not confuse desire with expectation, or with need. Desire has an entirely different quality to it. You can desire something without needing or requiring it... That little difference makes everything work. That little difference is the whole trick. Desire, do not Require. To desire propels. To require compels. Life will not be compelled, but it can be coaxed..."
-- Neale Donald Walsch
-- Scott, Attitude of Gratitude
-- Tom Hopkins
-- Abraham-Hicks