Eclectic quotations accumulating in Hell's Kitchen, NY, USA.


"One of the events of my life is my mother. Some of the rest of you may feel the same. After almost 99 years of frustration, she has finally made a kind of peace with her circumstances. She smiles and kisses everyone's hand, and is spoonfed pureed matter of different colors from a central kitchen. All it took for her to find peace was relinquishing her mind. I wonder what her life would have felt like if she'd done that in the beginning at Sweet Home, Idaho... After reading this, you have undoubtedly concluded that, like his mother, he's surrendered his mind. It is true, or it is becoming true. The mind is where all the problems lie. I'm literally leaping for joy, out of my mind, and into a perfectly peaceful world. The real world greets you this Christmas time with love. God is here, now."
-- Dale Thomas, Christmas Letter from Paran, 2002