Eclectic quotations accumulating in Hell's Kitchen, NY, USA.


"Some of you have noticed in the last several days that I wasn't covering the pope. However, as some of you now know, I have learned that I have lung cancer. I was a smoker until about 20 years ago. …. I have been reminding my colleagues today who have been incredibly supportive that already 10 million Americans have been living with cancer, and I have a lot to learn from them. And living is the key word. We are survivors from the moments of diagnosis. I will continue to broadcast on good days. My voice will not always be like this. Certainly it's been a long time, and I hope it goes without saying that a journalist who doesn't deeply value the audiences is in the wrong work. Even I was taken aback by how far and fast news travels. Finally, I wonder if other men and women ask their doctors right away, okay, when does the hair go? At any rate, that's it for now. Have a good evening. Thanks and good night."

Image from Time.