Eclectic quotations accumulating in Hell's Kitchen, NY, USA.


"If you've been looking for an opportunity, this is it. If you've been
waiting for the right time to move forward, that time has arrived... On
this day, you have the power to take action. In this moment, you have
the ability to make a difference... Hopes, dreams and wishes can be
powerful and compelling, yet if they remain imprisoned within you,
you'll never know their true beauty and value. Now is when you can take
the very best of what's in you, and give it room to grow... Reality is
where you are right here and now. And the great thing is, you're able to
shape that reality as it arrives... So take the opportunity to shape the
reality of this day to mirror the best that is within you. This is when
your values, your visions, and your unique essence can be given
expression and fulfillment... The time is upon you to create and to
experience life's richness in your own special way. Fill it with meaning
and purpose, and fill it with all you are".
-- Ralph Marston