Eclectic quotations accumulating in Hell's Kitchen, NY, USA.


"There is one energy in the Universe. Everything is derived from this one energy. This energy is love. Under the principle of free will, we may use this energy -- love -- any way we wish. Everything we think, feel, say or do is love transformed by each of us into the precise experience our soul wishes us to have. And in a miraculous way, into the precise experience everyone else's soul wishes them to have... Since each of us is just an entity of love, our capacity to love is limitless. In fact, our most basic purpose is to feel love under every conceivable circumstance... This love that we are derives from our divinity. We are each a God Presence exploring new ways of feeling and expressing our love. When we are willing to step back and see our lives and the lives of others from this broader perspective, we become eager to enjoy the richness and fullness of generously sharing our unlimited supply of unconditional love."
-- Arnold Patent,