Eclectic quotations accumulating in Hell's Kitchen, NY, USA.


"You are resigning in shame because of the way you snuck around and cheated on your spouse, lied to those closest to you, dishonored your name and the Office of the Governor, and then you abused your power and position for the financial gain of your mistress (or would that be mister?)... Too bad you are such a dick, 'cause you were kind of hot, Governor... Oh yeah, and while I'm at it; what is up with supporting civil unions but not supporting real marriage? What logic, what understanding of history, what understanding of human nature would it take for you, YOU OF ALL PEOPLE, to understand the importance of marriage, or the potential for marriage, in a person's life. Marriage was good enough for you, you lying sack of shit, but not for your fellow "gay Americans"....
-- Out There blog, a rant to Governor James McGreevey on his recent coming out as a "Gay American".

(Image from Center for Bio-Ethics and Human Dignity)